Cli ====================== Run Gino Admin Panel with Cli .. code-block:: bash gino-admin run #module_name_with_models -d postgresql://%(DB_USER):%(DB_PASSWORD)@%(DB_HOST):%(DB_PORT)/%(DB) gino-admin run --help # use to get cli help Optional params: -d --db Expected format: postgresql://%(DB_USER):%(DB_PASSWORD)@%(DB_HOST):%(DB_PORT)/%(DB) Example: postgresql://gino:gino@%gino:5432/gino (based on DB settings in examples/) Notice: DB credentials can be set up as env variables with 'SANIC_' prefix -h --host -p --port -c --config Example: -c "presets_folder=examples/base_example/src/csv_to_upload;some_property=1" Notice: all fields that not supported in config will be ignored, like 'some_property' in example --no-auth Run Admin Panel without Auth in UI -u --user Admin User login & password Expected format: login:password Example: admin:1234 Notice: user also can be defined from env variable with 'SANIC_' prefix - check Auth section example Example: .. code-block:: bash gino-admin run examples/run_from_cli/src/ --db postgresql://gino:gino@localhost:5432/gino -u admin:1234