UI Customization ======================== Change UI Colors ------------------ .. image:: ../img/incremental_ids_support.png :alt: Incremental Fields Config object has section 'ui'. In UI section now exist 'colors' where you can set up colors that will be used for: - Primary buttons. Property: buttons - Second buttons. Property: buttons_second - Alert buttons (actions that something remove/reset - deleted, drop db and etc). Property: buttons_alert - Tables headers. Property: table - Tables with Alert headers (like in Init DB). Property: table_alerts - Footer background. Property: footer - Header background. Property: header Admin panel used Semantic UI as CSS Framework so all names of possible colors is described and showed here: https://semantic-ui.com/usage/theming.html (red: #B03060; orange #FE9A76; yellow: #FFD700; olive: #32CD32 green: #016936; teal : #008080; blue : #0E6EB8; violet: #EE82EE; purple: #B413EC; pink: #FF1493; brown: #A52A2A; grey : #A0A0A0; black: #000000;) To change colors pass config as: .. code-block::python create_admin_app( host="", port=os.getenv("PORT", 5000), db=example.models.db, db_models=db_models, config={ "ui" : { "colors": {"buttons": "orange", "buttons_alert": "pink"} }, "db_uri": "postgresql://gino:gino@localhost:5432/gino" }, ) Example here: examples/colored_ui/ Set Custom Header ------------------ To do this just set provide config argument: - name: project name, that will be displayed in UI. By default it shows: "Sanic-Gino Admin Panel" Example: .. code-block:: python if __name__ == "__main__": create_admin_app( db.db, create_models_list(db), port=os.environ.get("PORT", "5000"), config={ "name": "Colored UI" } Example in github: https://github.com/xnuinside/gino-admin/blob/master/examples/colored_ui/src/app.py#L28