Configure Gino Admin

You can define in config:

  • presets_folder: path where stored predefined DB presets
  • custom_hash_method: method that used to hash passwords and other data, that stored as ‘_hash’ columns in DB, by default used pbkdf2_sha256.encrypt
  • composite_csv_settings: describe some rules how to parse and load Composite CSV files
  • name: project name, that will be displayed in UI. By default it shows: “Sanic-Gino Admin Panel”
  • csv_update_existed: By default ‘csv_update_existed = True’. This mean if you upload CSV with rows with unique keys, that already exist in DB - it will update all fields with values from CSV. You can turn off it with set ‘csv_update_existed = False’.
  • route: Route where will be served (that will be used to access) Admin panel. By default, used ‘/admin’ route
  • round_number: How much symbols display in floats in UI (default 3)
  • db_uri: pass path & credentials to DB with db_uri, example: “postgresql://local:local@localhost:5432/gino_admin”
  • ui: customize ui with config settings



In UI section exist property ‘colors’ where you can set up colors that will be used for:

  • Primary buttons. Property: buttons
  • Second buttons. Property: buttons_second
  • Alert buttons (actions that something remove/reset - deleted, drop db and etc). Property: buttons_alert
  • Tables headers. Property: table
  • Alert Tables (as in Init DB). Property: table_alert
  • Footer background. Property: footer
  • Header background. Property: header

How to pass. Example: config = {

“ui” : {

“colors”: {

“buttons”: “orange”, “buttons_alert”: “pink” }




composite_csv_settings allow to define multiple tables as one alias

For example, in our example project with composite CSV we have 3 huge different categories separated by tables (they have some different columns) - Camps, Education(courses, lessons, colleges and etc.) and Places(Shopping, Restaurants and etc.) But we want to avoid duplicate similar columns 3 times, so we can call those 3 tables by one alias name, for example: ‘area’ and some column to understand that exactly this is an ‘area’ - capms, educations or places table for this we need to define ‘type_column’ we don’t use in any model column ‘type’ so we will use this name for type-column

So, now let’s define composite_csv_settings

    "area": {"models": (Place, Education, Camp), "type_column": "type"}

This mean, when we see in CSV-header ‘area’ this is data for one of this 3 models, to identify which of this 3 models - check column with header ‘area:type’. In type column values must be same 1-to-1 as table names.

Check source code with example: examples/composite_csv_example

And table sample for it:

You also can define table name as ‘pattern’:

    "area": {"models": (SomeModel, SomeModel2, SomeModel3), "pattern": "*_postfix"}

This mean - to understand that this is a DB - take previous table from CSV in row and add ‘_postfix’ at the end.